The Friday after Thanksgiving, dubbed Black Friday, is considered a ‘shopping holiday.’ Black Friday is known for its chaos with shoppers fighting over the perfect item on the shelves and the insane amount of people at the malls. Now shopping fanatics are wondering how Black Friday will work during COVID-19 this year. Will shops be able to handle the overwhelming amount of people while still maintaining safety protocols?
According to Business Insider, we should expect to see some changes in how stores handle the crowds. Walmart has decided to have Black Friday sales over multiple days. They started online sales on November 4th and in-person sales on November 7th. By increasing the duration of the discounts, Walmart hopes to manage and ensure safety in their stores.
Likewise, Black Friday itself will most likely be spread across the month to avoid a one day blowout of chaos. Shoppers will be able to enjoy almost the entire month’s worth of incredible sales!
Extending the sales can have its negatives, however. The dramatic spike in online sales will mean more package deliveries for companies like UPS, FedEx, Amazon, etc. What does this mean for us, the consumers? There will probably be a delay in most online orders, so either order ahead of time or opt for curbside pickup!
Don’t miss out on these amazing sales! Take advantage of the whole month Black Friday blowout, and get stocked for the upcoming holiday season.
Bronwyn Spencer
Staff Writer
Graphic: Preethika Rao