First produced on Broadway in the late ‘40s, “Brigadoon” follows the journey of two New Yorkers, Tommy Albright and Jeff Douglas on a hunting vacation in Scotland. Hunting in a strange forest on their first night out, they hear strange music and discover a village not on any of their maps: a village called Brigadoon, an enchanted whimsical place that appears every one hundred years for just one day, and then mysteriously vanishing back into time.
“Brigadoon” is a Tony Award winning musical with a book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Frederick Loewe. The New Players’ production will be directed by Jen Landa and choreographed by Tony Landa. This musical is especially fitting for New Players to perform this year. This past summer, the company recently “crossed the pond” to visit Edinburgh, Scotland. Many members of the company, including director Jen Landa, attended the recent trip and brought back firsthand inspiration to incorporate into their performance. Sitting down with Benjamin Feder who also traveled to Scotland and is one of the stage managers that helps to oversee the show Ben said, “I am so grateful I had the experience to visit the Scottish Highlands over the summer. It has greatly inspired me throughout this entire rehearsal process.”
When discussing the show with one of the stars, Catherine Marra, she reviewed the musical as, “a beautiful and touching love story between two characters. The ensemble is filled with fun and awesome dances, the music is gorgeous and jaw dropping. On top of that, you also get to watch half of the New Players attempt a Scottish accent which is such a sight!”
“It’s a goofy tale that everyone would enjoy and come see!” said Olivia Cherry, another member of this year’s cast. Cat Taura added, “It’s a classical show with very talented performers!”
Tickets for all shows will be availbel to buy via Tickets will also be sold during lunch everyday during the week of March 14. Additionally, tickets may be available at the door. Five performances will be held on March 17th at 7 p.m., March 18th at 8 p.m., March 19th at 2 p.m., and March 20th at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Featuring: Patrick Meyer, Catherine Marra, Michael Crowe, Katie VanBuskirk, Morgan Mastrangelo, Hennessy Sheehan, Jerry Vogel, Spencer Gonzalez, Sam Vana, Jack Mathey, Kenny CraneMoscowitz, Aaqib Hassan, Kieran Power, Isaac Peabody,Abby McKenna, Grace Charles, Sean Zuckerman, Sam Flynn, Sofia Gambardella, Caitlin CraneMoscowitz, Sophia Gao, Oliver Nidds, Allison Paleo, Lena Mazzo, Jonathan Negron, Patricia Joseph, Alex Alberta, Claire Andrews, Carly Corcoran, Ireland Horan,Gaby Katz, Molly McCarthy, Anna Schoff, Sara Vaccaro, Kevin Ades, J.T Cambria,Olivia Cherry, Grace Dimodugno, Danny Guinan, Cate Harkins, Lauren Hellman, CJ Jerkovich,Hannah Kaplun, Kathryn Kearney, Anna Kunz, Julia Louizides, Mia Lowy, Cammy Lucca,Patrick Mack, Hailey Marussich, Emily McCarthy, Skyler McGrath, Grace McVey, Anna Monroe, Maeve Montague, Alex Neibart, Kaitlyn Nyhuis, Eve Scharfenberg, Brendan Sheehan, Isabelle Siegel, Carley Sokol, Olivia Splendore, Cat Taura, Gillian Vana and Teddy Wavle
Ireland Horan
staff writer