As we sat back on our couches on a Sunday night in January, many of us were ready to watch the Golden Globes, procrastinating Monday’s homework. The television clicked on and women dressed in black filled the screen, as we watched our favorite movie stars being interviewed. Soon after, Golden Globe host Seth Meyers took a step onto the stage in front of many favored celebrities, Oprah included. The beloved Oprah Winfrey, dubbed as the “Queen of All Media” and the richest African-American, sat in the the very front of the auditorium, tentatively listening to Meyer’s opening act. Winfrey was set to receive the Cecil B. DeMille award, bestowed to this woman for her outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment.
Seth Meyers continued his act, mentioning his 2011 White House dinner gig, when Meyers joked that Donald Trump was not qualified for being president. “Some have said that night convinced him to run. So, if that’s true, I just want to say: Oprah, you will never be president! You do not have what it takes,” Meyers called out to the admired talk-show host, “Now we just wait and see.”
Later on in the evening, Reese Witherspoon introduced the Cecil B. Demille award and Winfrey was called up to the stage to deliver a speech. Oprah captured the audience’s attention with her provocative words. “I want all the girls watching here and now to know that a new day is on the horizon!” Winfrey cried, as she encouraged women empowerment and equal rights. Her words echoed through the Beverly Hilton and she expressed gratitude to all the women who had endured any abuse or assault. Winfrey made a point to say that what she “ [knows] for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” Can we disagree with that? Winfrey hoped one day no one will have to say “me too” again, and left with an awe-inspiring thank you.
The speech got Hollywood on its feet and grabbed the attention of people across the country on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Was Oprah running in 2020?
Since the night of the Golden Globes, Oprah Winfrey has not made any public statement about running for the highest political office in the nation. According to inside sources at CNN, many of Winfrey’s close friends have been begging her to run for months.
How does Oprah feel about this massive support group behind her campaign for president in 2020? Her best friend, Gayle King, said nothing more than how Oprah felt touched by the immense support. Many people over social media believe she would win if she ran, but will she take the opportunity?
Let us look back many decades ago. Shockingly, before President Trump ran for office, he jokingly commented that Oprah would be his “first choice” for vice president. What about now? Social Media is already promoting Oprah for president in 2020 and Winfrey has poked fun at the idea of running for office. It is no longer such a far-fetched idea to think of a TV talk-show host with no governing experience becoming our next president.
Following the Golden Globes, even President Donald J. Trump spoke out about the possibility of Oprah Winfrey has the next president of our country. He argued, “Yeah, I’d beat Oprah,” then suddenly changing his stance, “Oprah would be a lot of fun…I don’t think she’s gonna run.” Either way, this possibility of Oprah in the White House has created a great amount of excitement.
The RHS High Times emailed Oprah, but sadly, no response. As a result, Oprah Winfrey is not available for comment. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Talia Rosen
news editor
Graphic: Anika Tsapatsaris