On Saturday 21st, 2017, members of the High Times staff and other affiliates attended the “Women’s March on New York City,” a sister march to the more prominent “Women’s March on Washington.” Marches held across the world on Saturday, in response to Donald Trump’s election and subsequent inauguration, drew millions of protesters to the streets of Washington, Manhattan, Los Angeles, London, and even more cities around the world. Below are photographs of the New York City demonstration, captured by High Times staff photographers.

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I believe that this march was good intended and was carried out rather well, however I think that you guys are marching for the wrong reason. You should be marching against Saudi Arabia and other backwards countries where Women don’t even have the basic human rights that we take for granted here. In Saudi Arabia, if you were a woman and were raped by a man, you would be thrown in jail for it. How RIDICULOUS is that???! Women cant even leave their homes without permission from their husband or father, and if they leave, they must be covered from head to toe in a veil. And lets say they could leave the house, they would have to walk because they aren’t allowed to even drive cars. And don’t even get me started on the gross mistreatment of LGBT people. If you are gay, you will got thrown of a building or imprisoned in any of these Islamic countries. THESE ARE THE PLACES YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE ANGRY ABOUT!
Agreed, thats a great point