Ridgewood Loses State Championship to Passaic County Tech: Pictures

On Saturday, December 5, the Ridgewood football team lost the state championship title to rival Passaic County Tech in a final score of 0 – 27. Lackluster performance disappointed many fans who traveled to see the game at MetLife stadium, even the Ridgewood Marching Band failing to lift spirits during half-time.


Ridgewood failed to complete many passes early on, setting a negative tone.


A fan holds up a cutout of one of the players


Ridgewood and PCT players fall into a heap.


Brooke Maskin (Drum Major, left) and Teddy Trent (Field Captain, right), conduct the Ridgewood Marching Band.
Brooke Maskin (Drum Major, left) and Teddy Trent (Field Captain, right), conduct the Ridgewood Marching Band.


Ridgewood calls a timeout.


Senior RHS students boo at the rival team as they exit for half-time


The Ridgewood Marching Band performs their half-time show


The Ridgewood Marching Band performs their half-time show


Brooke Maskin (Drum Major) and Teddy Trent (Field Captain – not pictured) conducts the half-time show.


Passiac County Tech celebrates their win, as Ridgewood walks onto the field to shake hands.


Photos by Minha Lee

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