The Role of Wellness in Preparing for AP Exams

With AP exams just around the corner, many students are tirelessly preparing in the hopes of scoring high. In the midst of frantically cramming and studying throughout all hours of the night, most forget the importance of wellness in the overall formula to success. Maintaining a healthy diet, receiving ample sleep, and a positive mindset all contribute to brain power when it comes to acing your exam.

For long-term benefits, several foods aid in the sustenance of a healthy memory. Omega-3s is a key fatty acid that promotes concentration, alertness, and brain capacity. It can be found in fish, especially salmon, mackerel, trout, or sardines. In addition, consuming many antioxidants is important for cognition and memory. To do so, try eating fruits and vegetables that are dark in color. Vitamins B-6 and B-12 are crucial in improving the functions of the nervous system, as well as enhancing alertness. Broccoli, spinach, and beans are packed with these nutrients, and are therefore a great choice with lunch or dinner.

Although the sound of eating healthy on a regular basis is enticing, most can admit that it is simply a struggle to commit to a clean diet one-hundred percent of the time. For those looking to boost their brain power on the very day of their AP exam, there is still hope. Quality carbohydrates act as fuel to the body, providing necessary power to focus in on the test and function optimally. Additionally, glucose provides a “sugar high” that will improve memory in the short-term. With this being said, breakfasts such as toast and fresh fruit or oatmeal are ideal the morning before the test. One should also note the importance of eating a breakfast; taking a test on an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster, as the body will not have the fuel and energy it needs to function at its best!

There are many things that students should also steer clear of when preparing for a large test. One major thing to avoid is coffee in the morning. Despite the energizing effects one initially feels after drinking coffee, it eventually causes the test-taker to crash and lose motivation. Also, eating too large of a dinner the night before the test will make for a rough night’s sleep and feelings of grogginess in the morning. As for sleep, it is important to rest the recommended eight hours of sleep. Staying up all night to cram information into a fatigued brain will be an instant regret while taking the test, as the test-taker will forget everything he or she had studied while wishing for a nearby pillow.

Most importantly, testers should use common sense before taking their AP exams. Ample studying, healthy food choices, proper rest, and a sense of confidence and alertness walking into the test are the keys to achieving one’s desired score. With these tips in mind, students are guaranteed to strive during this year’s tests!

Megan Collier
Sports Editor

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